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Hostio Changelog

3 Feb 2025 Ready for WHMCS 8.12.1
Files to replace:

– css/store.css
– js/scripts.js
– js/scripts.min.js
– store/order.tpl
– store/ssl/index.tpl
– store/ssl/shared/certificate-item.tpl
– store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
– theme.yaml

8 Oct 2024 Ready for WHMCS 8.11.2
Files to replace:

– affiliates.tpl
– css/all.css
– css/all.min.css
– header.tpl
– includes/active-products-services-item.tpl
– includes/captcha.tpl
– includes/head.tpl
– invoicepdf.tpl
– js/scripts.js
– js/scripts.min.js

16 Jun 2024 Ready for WHMCS 8.10.1
Files to replace:

- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/sitejet/homepagepanel.tpl
- includes/tablelist.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

29 Mar 2024 Ready for WHMCS 8.9.0
Files to replace:

- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/styles.css
- invoice-payment.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

10 Oct 2023 Ready for WHMCS 8.8.0
Files to replace:

- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- configuressl-complete.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/active-products-services-item.tpl
- includes/head.tpl
- includes/sidebar.tpl
- invoicepdf.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- quotepdf.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

8 May 2023 Ready for WHMCS 8.7.2
Files to replace:

- css/store.css
- store/nordvpn/index.tpl
- store/threesixtymonitoring/index.tpl
- theme.yaml

28 Mar 2023 Ready for WHMCS 8.7.1
Files to replace:

- account-user-permissions.tpl
- css/style.css
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- managessl.tpl
- store/nordvpn/index.php
- store/nordvpn/index.tpl
- store/threesixtymonitoring/index.php
- store/threesixtymonitoring/index.tpl
- store/xovinow/index.php
- store/xovinow/index.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- user-security.tpl
- viewemail.tpl

- standard-cart

11 Nov 2022 Ready for WHMCS 8.6.0
Files to replace:

- clientareadetails.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- clientareadetails.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/oauth.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/sidebar.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- oauth/error.tpl
- oauth/layout.tpl
- quotepdf.tpl
- store/ox/manage.tpl

- standard-cart

20 Jun 2022 Ready for WHMCS 8.5.1
Files to replace:

- clientareadetails.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/active-products-services-item.tpl
- includes/sidebar.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- markdown-guide.tpl
- store/cpanelseo/index.php
- store/cpanelseo/index.tpl
- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

28 Feb 2022 Ready for WHMCS 8.4.1
Files to replace:

- js/scripts.min.js

- standard_cart

26 Jan 2022 Ready for WHMCS 8.4.0
Files to replace:

- affiliates.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- img/shadow-left.png
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- store/order.tpl
- store/ox/manage.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl

- standard_cart

31 Oct 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.3.1
Files to replace:

- Standard Cart

25 Oct 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.3.0
Files to replace:

- affiliates.tpl
- affiliatessignup.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- configuressl-complete.tpl
- configuressl-stepone.tpl
- configuressl-steptwo.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- images/close.png
- images/loading.gif
- images/next.png
- images/prev.png
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-cpanel.tpl
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-plesk.tpl

- standard_cart

18 Jul 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.2.1
Files to replace:

- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-cpanel.tpl
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-plesk.tpl

22 Jun 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.2.0
Files to replace:

- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- announcements.tpl
- clientareadetails.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/store.css
- header.tpl
- includes/head.tpl
- includes/pwstrength.tpl
- includes/validateuser.tpl
- includes/verifyemail.tpl
- invoice-payment.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- knowledgebase.tpl
- payment/bank/validate.tpl
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-cpanel.tpl
- store/addon/wp-toolkit-plesk.tpl
- store/addon/wp-toolkit.tpl
- store/codeguard/index.tpl
- store/marketgoo/index.tpl
- store/not-found.tpl
- store/order.tpl
- store/ox/index.tpl
- store/ox/manage.tpl
- store/sitebuilder/index.php
- store/sitebuilder/index.tpl
- store/sitebuilder/upgrade.tpl
- store/sitelock/index.tpl
- store/sitelockvpn/index.tpl
- store/spamexperts/index.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- store/weebly/index.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- viewticket.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

5 Apr 2021 Child theme bugfix
Files to replace:

- includes/head.tpl
- header.tpl
- footer.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- login.tpl

5 Mar 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.1.3
Files to replace:

- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- payment/billing-address.tpl

20 Feb 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.1.1
Files to replace:

- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- user-security.tpl
- viewquote.tpl

- standardcart

3 Jan 2021 Ready for WHMCS 8.1.0
Files to replace:

- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl 
- announcements.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- configuressl-stepone.tpl
- configuressl-steptwo.tpl
- contactaccessdenied.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/oauth.css
- css/store.css
- css/styles.css
- header.tpl
- homepage.tpl
- includes/captcha.tpl
- includes/confirmation.tpl
- includes/flashmessage.tpl
- includes/head.tpl
- includes/linkedaccounts.tpl
- includes/pwstrength.tpl
- invoice-payment.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- managessl.tpl
- masspay.tpl
- oauth/layout.tpl
- oauth/login-twofactorauth.tpl
- payment/bank/validate.tpl
- payment/card/validate.tpl
- serverstatus.tpl
- store/codeguard/index.tpl
- store/marketgoo/index.tpl
- store/ox/index.tpl
- store/promos/upsell.tpl
- store/sitelock/index.tpl
- store/sitelockvpn/index.tpl
- store/spamexperts/index.tpl
- store/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl
- store/ssl/dv.tpl
- store/ssl/ev.tpl
- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/ov.tpl
- store/ssl/wildcard.tpl
- store/weebly/index.tpl
- store/weebly/upgrade.tpl
- theme.yaml
- two-factor-challenge.tpl
- two-factor-new-backup-code.tpl
- upgrade.tpl
- upgradesummary.tpl
- user-switch-account.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- viewquote.tpl

- standard_cart

14 Oct 2020 Bugfix
File to replace:

- hostio_cart/products.tpl

3 Oct 2020 Ready for WHMCS 8.0.1
Files to replace:

- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- user-security.tpl
- theme.yaml

1 Oct 2020 Ready for WHMCS 8.0
Files to replace:

- access-denied.tpl
- account-contacts-manage.tpl 
- account-contacts-new.tpl 
- ccount-paymentmethods-billing-contacts.tpl 
- account-user-management.tpl
- account-user-permissions.tpl 
- clientareacancelrequest.tpl
- clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareadomaindns.tpl
- clientareaemails.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareasecurity.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/overrides.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/captcha.tpl
- includes/flashmessage.tpl
- includes/verifyemail.tpl
- invoicepdf.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/twitter.js
- js/whmcs.js
- login.tpl
- managessl.tpl
- payment/card/validate.tpl
- store/codeguard/index.tpl
- store/css/style.css
- store/marketgoo/index.tpl
- store/order.tpl
- store/ox/index.php
- store/ox/index.tpl
- store/ox/manage.tpl
- store/promos/upsell.tpl
- store/sitelock/index.tpl
- store/sitelockvpn/index.tpl
- store/spamexperts/index.tpl
- store/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl
- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- store/weebly/index.tpl
- store/weebly/upgrade.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- twitterfeed.tpl
- two-factor-challenge.tpl
- two-factor-new-backup-code.tpl
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- user-invite-accept.tpl
- user-password.tpl
- user-profile.tpl
- user-security.tpl
- user-switch-account-forced.tpl
- user-switch-account.tpl
- user-verify-email.tpl
- viewemail.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- viewticket.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart

11 Apr 2020 Ready for WHMCS 7.10.0
Files to replace:

- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareadetails.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/styles.css
- includes/verifyemail.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js 
- js/whmcs.js
- store/codeguard/index.tpl
- store/css/style.css
- store/marketgoo/index.php
- store/marketgoo/index.tpl
- store/order.tpl
- store/promos/upsell.tpl
- store/sitelock/index.tpl
- store/sitelockvpn/
- store/spamexperts/index.tpl
- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/features.tpl
- store/weebly/index.tpl
- store/weebly/master.js
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- theme.yaml

- Standard Cart

10 Mar 2020 Ready for WHMCS 7.9.2
Files to replace:

- payment/bank/validate.tpl
- payment/card/validate.tpl 
- store/promos/upsell.tpl
- standard_cart

12 Jan 2020 Ready for WHMCS 7.9
Files to replace:

- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- account-paymentmethods.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaproductusagebilling.tpl
- creditcard.tpl
- css/all.css 
- css/all.min.css 
- css/invoice.css 
- css/styles.css 
- footer.tpl
- includes/captcha.tpl 
- includes/generate-password.tpl 
- invoice-payment.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js 
- js/whmcs.js 
- oauth/css/index.php 
- payment/bank/inputs.tpl 
- payment/bank/select.tpl 
- payment/bank/validate.tpl 
- payment/billing-address.tpl 
- payment/card/inputs.tpl 
- payment/card/select.tpl 
- payment/card/validate.tpl 
- payment/invoice-summary.tpl 
- store/codeguard/index.php 
- store/css/index.php 
- store/css/style.css 
- store/order.tpl 
- store/promos/index.php 
- store/sitelock/index.php 
- store/sitelockvpn/index.php 
- store/sitelockvpn/index.tpl 
- store/spamexperts/index.php 
- store/ssl/index.php 
- store/ssl/index.tpl 
- store/ssl/shared/index.php 
- store/weebly/index.php 
- usagebillingpricing.tpl 
- viewinvoice.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart folder    

6 Oct 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.8.3
Files to replace:

- creditcard.tpl 
- includes/captcha.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js

- standard_cart folder    

7 Sep 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.8.2
Files to replace:

- account-paymentmethods-billing-contacts.tpl 
- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- account-paymentmethods.tpl 
- clientareaaddcontact.tpl
- clientareachangepw.tpl 
- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareainvoices.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaquotes.tpl 
- clientareasecurity.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- creditcard.tpl 
- css/all.css 
- css/all.min.css 
- css/blue.png 
- css/[email protected]
- css/invoice.css
- css/styles.css
- css/styles-modified.css
- footer.tpl
- header.tpl
- includes/generate-password.tpl 
- invoicepdf.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- login.tpl
- masspay.tpl
- oauth/login.tpl
- password-reset-change-prompt.tpl
- password-reset-container.tpl
- password-reset-email-prompt.tpl 
- password-reset-security-prompt.tpl
- pwreset.tpl 
- store/css/style.css
- store/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl
- store/ssl/dv.tpl
- store/ssl/ev.tpl
- store/ssl/index.tpl
- store/ssl/ov.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- store/ssl/shared/features.tpl 
- store/ssl/shared/logos.tpl 
- store/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- viewannouncement.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl 
- viewquote.tpl
- viewticket.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart folder    

19 Feb 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.7.1
Files to replace:

- clientareaaddcontact.tpl
- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- clientareadetails.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareadomains.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaproducts.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- contact.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/styles.css
- header.tpl
- includes/captcha.tpl
- includes/head.tpl
- invoicepdf.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- login.tpl
- store/codeguard/index.tpl
- store/css/style.css
- store/weebly/upgrade.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- theme.yaml

 - standard_cart folder

3 Sep 2018 Ready for WHMCS 7.6.1
Files to replace:

- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/styles.css
- knowledgebase.tpl
- knowledgebasearticle.tpl
- twitterfeed.tpl

 - standard_cart folder

Aug 2, 2018 – Ready for WHMCS 7.6
Files to replace:

WHMCS version:

affiliates.tpl - announcements.tpl - banned.tpl - clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareadomains.tpl - clientareaemails.tpl - clientareahome.tpl - clientareainvoices.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaproducts.tpl - clientareaquotes.tpl - clientregister.tpl - contactaccessdenied.tpl - creditcard.tpl - domain-pricing.tpl - downloads.tpl - downloadscat.tpl - error/page-not-found.tpl - error/unknown-routepath.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - includes/head.tpl - includes/modal.tpl - includes/sidebar.tpl - includes/tablelist.tpl - includes/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/twitter.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - managessl.tpl - oauth/redirect.tpl - serverstatus.tpl - store/css/style.css - store/order.tpl - store/promos/upsell.tpl - store/sitelock/index.tpl - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl - store/ssl/index.tpl - store/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl - store/ssl/shared/features.tpl - store/weebly/index.tpl - store/weebly/master.js - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl - subscription-manage.tpl - supportticketslist.tpl - supportticketsubmit-confirm.tpl - supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl - supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl - ticketfeedback.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl - viewemail.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - viewquote.tpl - viewticket.tpl - about.tpl - support.tpl

 - css folder
 - webfonts folder
 - standard_cart folder
 - hostio_cart folder

HTML version:
- All Files

Apr 24, 2018 – Bugfix
Files to replace: “standard cart”
Apr 17, 2018 Updated for WHMCS 7.5.1
Files to replace: “js/scripts.js”, “js/scripts.min.js” and the “standard cart” in the “orderforms”

Apr 3, 2018 | Updated for WHMCS 7.5
Files to replace:

announcements.tpl - clientareadetails.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl -
clientareadomains.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/styles.css - domain-pricing.tpl - homepage.tpl - includes/head.tpl - includes/tablelist.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - store folder - subscription-manage.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl

Files to replace:

- css/style.css
- css/styles-modified.css
- header.tpl
- footer.tpl
- about.tpl
- support.tpl

Dec 18, 2017 Custom styling for “login and register” pages for the WHMCS. Added two custom pages for the WHMCS “About & Support” see the documentation “WHMCS Theme Installation” section, to install the custom pages

Nov 15, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.4
Files to replace:

creditcard.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/index.php - css/styles.css - error/index.php - fonts/index.php - header.tpl - img/flags.png - img/[email protected] - img/index.php - includes/index.php - index.php - js/index.php - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - knowledgebase.tpl - oauth/index.php - store/index.php - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/spamexperts/master.js - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl

To update the “header.tpl” file without replacing it:
– Add the following code to the body tag:


To be look like this:

        <body data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}" 

– Oct 5, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.3.
Files to replace:

clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareasecurity.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/invoice.css - css/styles.css - css/style.css - css/styles-modified.css - error/page-not-found.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - includes/captcha.tpl - includes/linkedaccounts.tpl - includes/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - login.tpl - store/spamexperts/index.tpl - store/ssl/dv.tpl - store/ssl/ev.tpl - store/ssl/index.tpl - store/ssl/ov.tpl - store/ssl/wildcard.tpl - store/weebly/index.tpl - store/weebly/upgrade.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl

– June 13, 2017 | Updated for WHMCS 7.2.2.
– May 22, 2017 | Styling bug fix – replace “styles-modified.css” & store folder.
– May 21, 2017 | Styling bug fix – replace “styles-modified.css” file only.
– May 18, 2017 | WHMCS 7.2.1 ready.
– January 3, 2017 | WHMCS 7.1 ready.
– January 9, 2017 | Include missing file “customnavbar.tpl”.